Make A Cuppa for Women’s Aid ABCLN this Spring and help us raise funds for women and children affected by domestic abuse.
We are encouraging everyone to put the kettle on and join us!
You can host a Make A Cuppa coffee morning in your workplace, community or school. Come together with family, friends and colleagues for a ‘cuppa’ tea or coffee. Bring along some cakes and buns, and simply ask everyone to make a small donation.
One in four women will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. Police respond to one incident of domestic abuse every 16 minutes. For every incident, we know the impact on women and children living with domestic abuse can be devastating.
We believe that no-one should have to live in fear or threat from abuse.
Join us and Make A Cuppa for Women’s Aid ABCLN.
For more information YOU CAN call 028 25 632136 or email
Register here: